Choosing Romania for outsourcing: everything you need to know

Choosing Romania for outsourcing: everything you need to know

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: staffing outsourcing will be a game-changer for your time, effort, and cost-effectiveness.    However, there are some countries that offer the best value for your money—less money, even.    One of them is Romania,...
Team extension vs. managed teams: which one to choose?

Team extension vs. managed teams: which one to choose?

There’s an essential element that’s sometimes forgotten in the tech world: the people behind it all. In this article, we’re focusing on the brilliant humans that make it all possible, and how you can bring them together to work on your project. Stay with us to...
2021 in Review

2021 in Review

It’s December, and for us, it’s that time of the year when we stop for a second to look back on what we’ve accomplished and make resolutions for the following year. This year has been full of exciting opportunities and new challenges in Softia. We officially became a...
How to choose a staffing outsourcing company

How to choose a staffing outsourcing company

Any person who operates a successful business knows that their greatest asset is the team they have around. When it comes to developing effective and efficient business operations for your SaaS, hiring goes directly to the top of your to do list. The hiring process,...
Tech Noiembrie 2021

Tech Noiembrie 2021

Luna noiembrie a fost o lună plină de inspirație pentru industria IT. De-a lungul timpului s-au lansat multe produse și servicii care astăzi ni se par indispensabile. Te invităm să trecem împreună în revistă cele mai notabile evenimente de-a lungul istoriei.   1...