At Softia, leadership transcends titles—it’s about nurturing growth, inspiring others, and maintaining harmony between professional and personal pursuits. Our colleague Marius Stanciu perfectly embodies this vision, our Development Manager, whose leadership...
At Softia, we believe that authentic leadership is more than just a title—it’s about inspiring others, balancing life’s demands, and finding joy in every moment. This philosophy is embodied by Andrei, our Business Unit Manager, whose career journey...
We at Softia are lucky to have an amazing team. We work together, relax together, have fun together and solve any challenge together, whether we work from home or choose to come to the office. So we decided to shine some more light on the amazing people that make up...
It’s December, and for us, it’s that time of the year when we stop for a second to look back on what we’ve accomplished and make resolutions for the following year. This year has been full of exciting opportunities and new challenges in Softia. We officially became a...
Știți vorba aceea veche “toamna se numără bobocii”? Ei bine, noi la început de octombrie ne bucurăm să aniversăm al cincilea an plin de împliniri și provocări din povestea Softia. Tocmai de aceea, ne-am bucurat când am văzut prezența CEO-ului nostru,...
Iată că a trecut mai bine de un an de când pandemia a adus multe schimbări și provocări pentru fiecare dintre noi. În acest timp, s-au întâmplat, totuși, o mulțime de lucruri pozitive. Am apreciat mai mult oamenii din viața noastră, am învățat să ne delimităm mai bine...