At Softia, we believe that authentic leadership is more than just a title—it’s about inspiring others, balancing life’s demands, and finding joy in every moment. This philosophy is embodied by Andrei, our Business Unit Manager, whose career journey reflects a deep commitment to personal and professional growth. Today, we’re excited to share Andrei’s story and insights on leadership, purpose, and maintaining balance in a fast-paced world. Andrei’s Leadership Journey: 


Andrei, can you share the story of your leadership journey and how it has evolved over the years?


I started my leadership journey 17 years ago when I took on my first role as a Team Leader for an Application Support team at a bank. Coming from a technical background, I was still figuring out my path, but I felt compelled to take the leap into leadership. That decision opened the door to countless learning opportunities. My career path has taken me through various companies and management roles, from leading infrastructure teams to heading development projects in both Romania and the Netherlands. Over the last few years, my focus has been on development teams, where I’ve found my true calling in guiding and empowering people to achieve their best. 


How did your career path lead you to Softia? 


Softia came into my life at a time when I was looking for a fresh start, both professionally and personally. My family and I had just moved back to Romania after living in the Netherlands, and I was searching for a place where I could make a real impact. I was drawn to the idea of working at a smaller company where every decision feels more personal and you can see the immediate results of your efforts. At Softia, I found that sense of purpose and the chance to make a difference, not just in projects but in people’s lives, too. 



How does Softia stay ahead of industry trends and technological advancements? 


At Softia, we embrace a culture of curiosity and continuous learning. People here are genuinely passionate about discovering new technologies and aren’t afraid to try new things. We refuse to settle for less, always pushing the boundaries to stay ahead of the curve. 


Can you share an example of how Softia has successfully adapted to a major market change or challenge? 

One of the most significant challenges we faced was adapting to the pandemic. Luckily, we had already started to build a flexible working environment before COVID-19. This flexibility enabled us to transition smoothly to a fully remote setup while still maintaining our in-person culture by encouraging monthly office meetups. 


Has your leadership style changed over time? 

Absolutely. Leading teams across different industries and geographies has taught me to adapt and learn continuously. Each experience shaped my approach, from understanding diverse cultural backgrounds to recognizing the unique strengths and challenges within different teams. Every role refined my perspective on leadership and made me more empathetic, open-minded, and adaptable. 



What’s the most valuable lesson you can share with someone on your team? 

The most important lesson I’ve learned is that it’s okay to make mistakes. Fear of failure often paralyzes people, but mistakes are vital learning opportunities. I encourage my team to fail fast, learn from the experience, and move forward stronger and wiser. 


How do you foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement within your team?

 I believe in transparency and challenging my team to step out of their comfort zones. I keep them updated on what’s happening at higher levels and encourage them to take on new responsibilities, such as leading different teams. This approach helps them see the bigger picture and understand various parts of the organization. 


How important is it to have a purpose? 

Having a purpose gives direction and focus. It acts as a guiding star that makes the journey smoother and helps concentrate on the end goal, especially when things get tough. 


What strategies or habits are most effective for maintaining your well-being and productivity? 

For me, organization is key. I maintain a well-organized calendar and ensure that I take breaks away from my computer, especially during lunch. It’s a small habit, but it helps me reset and stay productive throughout the day. 


How do you balance work and personal life? 

At Softia, we’re fortunate to have a culture that truly values work-life balance. Family time is essential to me, so I prioritize completing my tasks within the workday. This way, I can fully dedicate myself to my family after business hours. 


How do you relax and unwind after a busy day or week? 

Do you have any hobbies or routines that help you recharge? I love cycling with my family—it’s one of our favorite ways to relax and spend quality time together. Traveling is another passion of ours; it allows me to disconnect and recharge. 



Andrei’s story reminds us that true leadership is about more than just professional achievements; it’s about creating a meaningful impact, inspiring those around you, and finding balance. It involves embracing the ups and downs, learning from every experience, and carving out time for the things and people that bring you happiness. Through his journey, we see a reflection of Softia’s core values—where leadership is genuine, growth never stops, and every day is a chance to learn, connect, and thrive together.